Home > Artworks > Salomé Ortega Sánchez

Photo of Salomé Ortega Sánchez Spain

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Salome Ortega Sánchez art curriculum


2011. Currently Performing pictorial project in Tetouan.

2010. Official Master Artistic Production, Polytechnic University of Valencia.

2007. Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Castilla la...

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51.18 x 59.06 in
47.24 x 31.50 in
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Salome Ortega Sánchez art curriculum


2011. Currently Performing pictorial project in Tetouan.

2010. Official Master Artistic Production, Polytechnic University of Valencia.

2007. Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Castilla la Mancha.

2006-2007. 5 th year Faculty of Fine Arts San Carlos, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Sicue-Seneca Scholarship.

2005. École Supérieure des Beaux Arts de Cornouaille. Quimper, France. Scholarship for four months.

2002-2006. Faculty of Fine Arts of Cuenca to 4 th grade.

2002. Practice in the School of Restoration of Toledo. Three months.

2001-2002. Completing the final draft of ceramic design at the School of Applied Arts in Toledo.

1999-2001. Ceramic design technician in the School of Applied Arts in Toledo.


2010. Group Exhibition. \\\"Viaggiatori / Travellers.\\\" San Clemente Art Center. Toledo.

Group exhibition. \\\"Barcelona / New York..\\\" TMB. Barcelona.

n 2009. Solo Exhibition. \\\"Mecàniques Corps.\\\" Gallery Space. Valencia.

No collective exposition. \\\"IV Painting Biennial of young.\\\" Manises, Valencia.

n 2008. Solo exhibition. Maison Maurice Museé Genevoix. Saint Denis de l\\\'Hôtel. France

n Scholars Exhibition 2008. Centro Cultural San Clemente, of Toledo.

No Paper Art Group exhibition-7. Loja, Granada.

n 2007. Exhibition \\\"Tables\\\" University of Castilla la Mancha, Junta de Castilla La Mancha.

n Exhibition \\\"Painters Pensioners Quintanar Palace\\\" showroom the Corn Exchange, Segovia.

n Group exhibition, Young Artists competition in Castilla la Mancha, Museo de Santa Cruz, Toledo.

n Collective Exhibition University of Valencia, Casa student.

n 2006. exhibition belongs to the series of exhibitions of the competition for Young Artists of Castilla la Mancha

n exhibition at the pool. Salamanca. Inside the Third International Meeting of painters

n 2005. Solo exhibition \\\"Portrait No / No Portrait\\\" École Supérieure des Beaux Arts de Quimper, France.

n Exhibition \\\"Le scene interieure\\\" La Galerie de l\\\'école. Quimper, France.

n 2004. Solo exhibition \\\"A Sea of Distance\\\", Faculty of Bellas Artes de Cuenca.

No man show \\\"A Sea of Distance\\\", Gallery of Contemporary Art \\\"Maldonado Irina\\\", Toledo

n 2003. Group exhibition of sculpture at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cuenca.

n Exhibition \\\"5 th Contest of Plastic Arts of Toledo\\\"

n 2002. Exhibition \\\"4 th Contest of Plastic Arts of the Diputación de Toledo\\\"

n Exhibition \\\"Women Creating\\\". Toledo.

n Exhibition \\\"Nambroca City.\\\" Toledo.

n 2001. Competition exhibition at the Youth Building of Socuellamos. Ciudad Real.

n exhibition at the regional library of the Alcazar of Toledo.



  • 2008, 2 nd Prize Height quick paint.

  • Selected Work, XI Premio Nacional Real Painting

Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos de Valencia.

  • Finalist, 7 Prize painting on paper Architect of Loja


  • 2007, Work acquired, City of Membrilla, Ciudad Real.

  • Selected Work, Student House UPV.

  • 3 rd Prize Competition for Young Artists of Castilla la Mancha.

  • 2006, Work gained Municipal Museum of La Alberca, Salamanca.

  • 2005, 2 nd Prize Competition for Young Artists of Castilla la Mancha.

  • 2004, Work acquired, of Toledo.

  • 2003, Selected Work of Toledo.

  • 2002, Selected Work of Toledo.

  • 2001, Work acquired, Toledo Regional Library.

Collaborations in curating exhibitions

n 2002. Exhibition \\\"Women Building.\\\" City of Toledo

n 2004. Exhibition \\\"Bowl, Potters and Sculptors in Cuenca\\\" Fundación Antonio Saura. Cuenca.

Courses and other training

  • 2009, Painting Workshop \\\"From realism to the synthesis.\\\" Course provided by D. Antonio López and D. José M ª Mosque. Summer University Teruel. 30 hours.

  • 2008, Course Design escaparates.110 hours.

  • Course \\\"The expressive power of drawing through social engagement.\\\" Faculty of Fine Arts of San Carlos, Valencia.

  • CAP certificate. UPV, Specialty drawing.

  • 2007, Grant landscape \\\"Pensioners Painters Course Quintanar Palace\\\" Real Academia de San Quince, Segovia.

  • Master of alternative procedures for graphic printing. 300 hours. Grant from the council. Provincial de Toledo, to train professionals in the arts. Casa Falconieri. Sardinia, Italy.

  • 2006. Workshop Artist David Lamelas. IVAM. 28 hours

  • 2005. Digital Post Production Course, 20 hours. Faculty of Fine Arts of Cuenca, UCLM.

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